Manage Online Reputation

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Features of EZYINN

Control Your online reputation management services

Negative customer reviews should be handled carefully, while happy customers should be encouraged to write additional positive feedback.

Importance of Reputation Management services

Allow the system to mark the room as “dirty” or “inspected” during the night audit. 

Management of Online Reputation

Reacting to bad consumer comments on social media and news stories that cast a negative light on your brand. 

What exactly is ORM
(ORM) Online reputation management Software is all about managing your hotel’s online brand in relation to reviews, ratings, or even just mention (both good and negative) in the internet domain. Second, you may examine how your brand is regarded and design measures to improve or preserve it if you have a clear image of how it is perceived. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a brand that doesn’t have an online reputation managemnet services, whether you actively manage it or not. Thanks to the advent of user-generated content, you can now find an opinion, rating, or review on practically everything.

Even before they know where they will be traveling, 65% of leisure travelers use the internet to research their vacations.

Nearly 38% of people reserving hotels use positive online reviews as a motivator to stay at an independent hotel.

ORM is required

An ORM is required to ensure transparency.

(ORM) Online reputation management Software is all about managing your hotel’s online brand in relation to reviews, ratings, or even just mention (both good and negative) in the internet domain. Second, you may examine how your brand is regarded and design measures to improve or preserve it if you have a clear image of how it is perceived. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a brand that doesn’t have an online reputation managemnet services, whether you actively manage it or not. Thanks to the advent of user-generated content, you can now find an opinion, rating, or review on practically everything.
Trusted by 80,000 Clients Around the World

Content Management

By managing the information that is publicly available online about you or your firm, you may “take ownership” of your online reputation management services. If you don’t take an active role in selecting what biographical and professional information about yourself appears online, others may make that decision for you. Bots, for example, are automated programs that regularly collect and index publicly available information online. Personal information, such as your age, home address, and family members’ names, is of great interest to many people.
Online Reputation Management services on a Regular Basis
We’re here to assist you! We’ve compiled a list of effective tactics to assist you in controlling your brand’s internet online reputation management services. You can also lose out on guests who have written about you on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google. Simply set up a Google alert or use Social Media Mention to track them down.
Frequently Asked Questions about Features

What can we do to assist you?

There are no restrictions; the more, the merrier! Our goals are entirely in sync. We are available to assist you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Contact us by phone or email, and one of our representatives will help you get set up and ready to go. 

You might also begin by taking part in a free demonstration. It will help you understand Ezyinn’s key features and answer any questions you might have.

Ezyinn PMS is simple to learn on your own. To assist you in getting started with Front desk, we provide a series of how-to films, each around a minute long. 

A ready online assistance system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to assist hotel employees with any work. By selecting the “Support” button, you will be connected to a trained partner who is already on the same page as you, saving you time and effort. The skilled specialists assist you in real time and walk you through the task as if they were doing it for you.

No way! Support is included in the monthly membership option.

While Ezyinn is a basic system that may be self-taught, we do provide you a head start with individualized training and assistance. 

For US $350 per day, we can design a custom training curriculum to meet your needs, which will be delivered by audio and video via the internet. For a price of US$ 500 per day, we can arrange training at your hotel, with the hotel covering the costs of transport and lodging.

Elevate every aspect of your Hotel with Ezyinn.


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